Sunday, June 13, 2010

Poor Michelle's Almanac

So suddenly summer sprung upon me, half unprepared and yet, more than willing to be thrown into the arms of the sunshine. I find myself staring at the calendar knowing that this time will go by all too fast. My year-round employed friends and family simply roll their eyes, and sigh, "You poor thing." Seriously, take away the sarcasm, and I am going to have to completely agree. Poor, poor me, with an unrestricted amount of time, no children to be pining over, and over a million items on my task list. I think the only other people that can fully understand (and appreciate) my situation, are those in the blue-haired club that spend their days fitting in a game of golf or bridge, a trip to the salon, and bounce grandchildren on their knee. You laugh, but I have something strangely in common with these folk: what do I do with all of my time? Unlike the retired crowd, I have not quite reached the pay-scale of "afternoons at Mohegan," or "country club crowd." My luxurious gym membership consists of walking around Lake Scranton. My garden is less than lush as I try to grow plants from seed instead of picking out the freshest in blooms from the local nursery. 

In an attempt to make the most of my time, I devised a schedule, in the spirit of Benjamin Franklin. 

Morning question: What good shall I do this day?
7:00  am Wake, wash, eat breakfast
7:30  am Exercise 
9:00  am Wash
10:00 am Work on camp
1:00  pm lunch
1:30  pm Work in art studio (to be preceded with "create an art studio") or garden
4:30  pm Break 
5:00  pm Dinner
6:00  pm Summer reading/develop school lessons
8:00  pm Put things in their places, music, diversion, conversation. 
11:00 pm sleep 
Evening question: What good have I done today? 

Summer goals:

  • Prepare an amazing week at camp
  • Create an art studio
  • Take an accounting class
  • Read 10 novels
  • Create lesson plans for next year
  • Create storage space in my house
  • Develop a good tan without burning
  • Spend more time at the lake
  • Trip to Texas
  • Trip to Maine
  • Go to the beach
  • Work on flower beds 
  • Install a fence (well, hire someone anyway)

And this is just the start! Be sure to check back to see how well I am progressing! 

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