Monday, June 13, 2011

I think I need stitches

My friends and family can tell you, that it is without fail, I somehow manage to ruin holidays and vacations with trips to the ER. I would not call myself a "sick" person, rather just clumsy. I am reminded of these, less than joyful occasions, as I sit here, on my first day of summer vacation, with my foot propped up and bandaged. 

In no particular order, I guess I am apologizing for all of the co-pays, cold kielbasa, and warm lemonade my family endured. 

Christmas, 1999
Pneumonia got the best of me. Hospitalized for tearing abdominal muscles. Yes, the doctors were trying to kill me. 

Valentine's Day, 2006
Pneumonia returned. In bed with for a week, hacked for months. Truly romantic <3. 

Summer, 1994
I can skateboard, not! Torn ligaments in ankle. On crutches for 6 weeks.

Summer, 1990
Handstand on scooter- do not try this at home. Chipped jaw bone and missing chin. 13 stitches, plastic surgery and a year's worth of drs visits. Not allowed in the sun. 

Summer, 1996
Dorney Park Migraine- locked in a hospital storage closet for hours because they could not shut the lights off in the patient room.  

Summer, 2011
Frankenfoot. So, who ever said I went to med school? 24 hours after the weatherstripping on the door butchered my toe, (and after Dar..who's life motto is "tough it out" said "that is really bad. I'm not touching it"), I headed to the ER for my No-so-Mc. Dreamy Dr. and his side kick Nurse Tony to tell me, "I think you need stitches." After a little pedicure joke, I convinced them that glue and a tetanus shot was all I really needed. Day 1 of summer vacation, D.U.N.  

Hopefully, I do not have any more to add. There were a ton of bumps and bruises along the way. Many broken fingers and migraine trips to the ER. Oh well. 


  1. Unfortunately, another way you and I are so much alike...

  2. PS Feel better soon Mi-belle!

  3. You realize both you and Grandma think doctors tried to kill you?

  4. Did I ever tell you about the time I saw strange lights in my backyard?
