Friday, July 22, 2011

The Human Juicer

The Royal Buffet
After watching the movie Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead the hubby and I decided to purchase a juicer and go on a juicing reboot. Today was day 1 of the new juice diet. If you haven't seen the movie, you are probably wondering what the great inspiration was to suddenly run out and buy a juicer. My husband, who over the past year has probably only eaten a handful of veggies, is actually the force behind this movement. To sum up the movie, 2 men who are over 400 lbs embark on a healthier lifestyle, and jumpstart it by juicing. Spoiler alert- the results are miraculous! 

So here we are. I made a trip to the Farmers' Market today and bought $35.00 worth of fruit and veggies. I even brought home veggies I have never seen before. When Jon came home from work, we made "dinner." I had all of the veggies outside on our table (there is not enough room in my fridge). Jon coined it "The Royal Buffet." We went to town, putting together all sorts of combinations. I picked what I thought was going to be the grossest combo - 1 beet, 2 apples, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, and 2 peaches. It is unbelievable how mother nature can make that combo quite appealing. 

Jonny Juice
All in all, day 1 has not been bad. Keeping my mind off of food has been impossible. I guess that is the whole reason for this blog post- to prevent my lack of will power from taking over. I plan to do this for the next 10 days. I used to have a very healthy lifestyle for a very long time; I was a vegetarian for a long time, exercised regularly, and was very active. Over the last 5 years, I have moved further and further away from this. Hopefully, this juicing reboot will get me back on track, or at least point me in the right direction. 

I apologize now for being one-of-those people who blog about their diets. I guess I now just "get it." All of "those people," are actually just hungry!

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