Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Goodness Continues

I knew my mind could make it to day 15, but at times, I wasn't sure about my body.

Yes, there were times I could murder a tray of pizza, but, let's face it. It takes time to adjust to any new routine. I am here on day 15 and I am 7 pounds lighter. My skin looks so fresh and healthy. My breath is not sticky and gross. I feel like my insides went through the car wash and are sparkling clean. Many people I work with are sick, and other than a quick case of pink eye, I have never felt healthier! 

The key to juicing is just to keep doing it. I have decided to extend my cleanse until the end of January. I am going to keep going forward in 2 -4 week segments. Juicing is not a diet for me, it is a lifestyle. The alternative, for me, is to be fat, sick, and nearly dead.
My Great-Grandmother's Juicer (Little Nana)
Last night I was a little hungry after dinner. I did not feel like messing up my juicer for a small glass of juice. I decided to break out my grandmother's juicer. Pressing the juice by hand and drinking the juice reminded me of all the days my dad and I would make juice together. During the middle of winter, he would bring home large bags of oranges or grapefruit. We would spend the mornings juicing our fresh fruit from Florida waiting for the sweet reward. 

After all of the recent reports on what actually is in your orange juice, from concentrate or not, I am so thankful that my body was raised on goodness. While other kids were drinking SunnyD and Tang, my dad and grandmother were using it to clean the dishwasher. Don't believe me? Read HERE

*Update- my father called to tell me that my juicer actually belonged to my great-grandmother, Little Nana Leggat. I guess juicing really is in the family! Let the love of goodness continue. 

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